Description of cargo * |
Lot size * |
Unit of measurement * |
Freight direction * |
Freight destination point |
Date and time of arrival of cargo for transshipment |
Arrival of cargo at the port by |
Cargo shipment from port by |
Shipload lot size |
Class of dangerous cargo |
Additional cargo information |
Attach file |
Please include: |
Rate of loading-unloading operations |
Cargo aggregation time |
Overtime aggregation storing rate |
Cargo receipt and transshipment opportunity within specified time |
Feedback information |
First name, last name |
Company * |
Tel, fax |
E-mail * |
Commercial freight service department: E-mail: Tel.: +7 (4012) 69 24 67 (ext. 2261), +7 (4012) 69 24 67 (ext. 2218) |