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Generated with MOOJ Proforms Basic Version 1.6

*Spaces must be filled in.
Description of cargo *
Lot size *
Unit of measurement *
Freight direction *
Freight destination point
Date and time of arrival of cargo for transshipment
Arrival of cargo at the port by
Cargo shipment from port by
Shipload lot size
Class of dangerous cargo
Additional cargo information
Attach file

Please include:

Rate of loading-unloading operations
Cargo aggregation time
Overtime aggregation storing rate
Cargo receipt and transshipment opportunity within specified time

Feedback information

First name, last name
Company *
Tel, fax
E-mail *

Commercial freight service department:
E-mail: commerce@scport.ru 
Tel.: +7 (4012) 69 24 67 (ext. 2261), +7 (4012) 69 24 67 (ext. 2218)
